Friday, May 27, 2016


Summer vacation is quickly approaching! The last days of school are busy with lots of activities. As we approach the end of yet another school year, I would like to take the opportunity to thank you all for your help, support and interest this year.

We have had another very busy and successful year in school and you, as partners in the education of your children, deserve much of the credit for that. I’d like to offer special thanks to all the parents who:

-         volunteered and gave us help when needed;
-          regularly looked through students' backpacks for notes and messages sent home
-          made sure their children spent time reading at home
-         called in when their child was ill and would be absent from school
-         accompanied teachers on field trips
-         volunteered their time for an activity to enhance the learning that takes place in the classroom
-         recommend our beloved Discovery School to their family and friends.

I take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy, safe and enjoyable summer. Hopefully there will be many opportunities for you to talk to, play with and enjoy your children (i.e. have your child make a bucket list of the r things he/she would like to do with you this summer). This is time you will never have again! I look forward to seeing you all in August!

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