As parents and
teachers, it is our job to train our children to grow to be successful adults. Productive
routines are at the core of independence and responsibility. Children crave routines and thrive and benefit from them. Mornings are
no exception, and mornings works best when there is a routine in place. Most
children do fine as long as everything goes as planned in the mornings.
As an adult you can probably get out of the house
in 10 minutes flat. In 10 minutes you can brush your teeth, shower, get
dressed, and grab a quick breakfast. Add children in to the mix and there is no
way you can get out of the house in 10 minutes. Your child may be one who
constantly needs to go back to his/her bedroom to get one last thing, leading
to a delay. Another child may need constant reminders to brush hair, teeth, and
get ready. On the other hand, some children are early risers. The earlier
he/she gets up the more compliant he/she can be. The important thing is to
develop a routine that works for you at your home, and allows for a smooth beginning to the school day. Here are some things you may want to consider:

2. Getting Dressed - Clothing, down to clean socks, underwear and shoes, and even
matching hair accessories should be laid out each night before bed. Youngsters
can play a role in choosing the outfit, but no changes are allowed once their
head hits the pillow. And, then stick with it! The only exceptions should be an
unknown tear or stain, or surprise change in the weather. This avoids missing
socks, unmatched shirt and shoes, and keeps getting dressed a simple step in
beginning the day vs. a looming battle.
3. Breakfast - Breakfast is important--some experts argue that it is the most important meal of the day, so your
kids need a nutritious start each morning. However, that start shouldn't put
parents in a work bind or make kids late for school. Whether you have a weekly
menu, or adhere to cereal and fruit, it is important to have a plan for what
breakfast will be. Find something that works for your household and that your
child(ren) likes.
4. Making Lunch - The night
before, unpack the lunch boxes, clean out wrappers, and refreeze ice packs. If
you have more than one lunchbox to pack,
pack the same lunch. You know your child the best, so you know what your
child likes to eat. Pack snacks and
lunches that are acceptable. Lunch works best if all items that I need are in a
convenient location. Ask your child what he/she likes to eat at school.
5. Backpacks, Shoes, Coats, Lunchboxes
- Have the children pack their backpacks the night before to make sure homework
is in the folder with notes to the teacher and permission slips. Place lunchboxes,
musical instruments, coats and any other object that needs to go to school the
next day next to the backpacks.
6. Leaving on Time - When considering when to leave your house to
be ready for the school bus or to drive to school, consider the following:
it takes to buckle child in car seat (if you have an infant or a toddler factor
in the time it will take to get all your children in your car or van)
it takes to get coat, shoes, gloves on for all children
it takes to find the child’s school bag, lunch box, coat, shoes, spare supplies
it takes to drive to school/walk to bus stop
time you may need if traffic is an issue in your area
Basically, leave yourself plenty of time. Children do not know the words
“hurry up” or “let’s go.” Even if you are not the most organized person, you do
realize that children need to live in an organized home. Stressed out parents = stressed out kids. “Plan” and “organize” are
a happy parent’s favorite words.
Remember, it is
never too late to establish routines. Look at what has worked so far, what is
not working, and what will work in the future. Develop a plan with your
children and then realize that you are responsible for training them step by
step. If you use patience and understanding, your children will gladly
participate in finding what works. Nobody likes a chaotic, hurried experience.
After thirty days of intense training, your kids will relax into the pattern
and the set routine. This will help them have a great day at school.
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