Friday, May 23, 2014

FRIDAY, MAY 30 AT 10:30 A.M.


Founded in 1983, the President's Education Awards Program (PEAP) honors graduating elementary, middle and high school students for their achievement and hard work. The program has provided individual recognition from the President and the U.S. Secretary of Education to those students whose outstanding efforts have enabled them to meet challenging standards of excellence. Each year, thousands of elementary, middle, and high schools participate by recognizing deserving students.
The President's Award for Educational Excellence - The purpose of this award is to recognize outstanding academic success in the classroom.

The President’s award for Educational Achievement - The purpose of this award is to recognize students that show outstanding educational growth, improvement, commitment or intellectual development in their academic subjects.

The American Citizenship Award – The purpose of this award is to recognize students who participate in school and/or community service, show a positive attitude toward classmates, school, and community, display an understanding and appreciation of civic responsibility, possess strength of character and the courage to do what is right and promote citizenship with their school or community through other activities. 


Friday, May 16, 2014


Summer vacations offer many opportunities to let children explore the world through play. The school is offering the DISCOVERY ZONE Summer Camp for its fifth consecutive year. This year, the camp returns with new and exciting activities, and with bus service available for the students who live within the routes established in proximity to the school.

Whether your child spends most days in a camp, in child care or at home with a parent or caregiver, it is important to take a look at the portion of the day available for unstructured activity that gets filled at the discretion of the child. This is not about TV or computer time. Ideally, children should get a ‘balanced diet’ of several types of activities and play, including active physical play, arts and crafts activities, play with siblings and friends, family-centered fun, reading, outdoor time, and more.

Here are a few tips to consider for your summer:

Ø    Lighten up on scheduled activities. Taking something off the calendar frees up time for child-directed play, and can make your day as a parent easier and more fun, too.
Ø    Respect and protect your child’s playtime as much as you do their other activities.
Ø    Limit television and computer time. Plan ahead with your child the times he is allowed screen time, and stick to your plan.
Ø    Stock up on good and interesting books. Choose books that will be fun for your child to read, and they will be practicing the reading skills they need.
Ø    Visit the local children’s museum, which is designed for play suitable for many different ages. There are other museums in the city that are also worth visiting.
Ø    Make the great outdoors your family’s favorite playground! No matter where you live and how much time you have to play, there is always something new to see or do if you use your imagination.
Ø    The summertime can be a great time to provide some tutoring to build skill and confidence in academic areas of need.  Create balanced opportunities for using the summer to build academic strength, increase skills around independence, and address social skills.  .
Ø    Make a weekly craft day. Look for projects that are easy to do and simple to clean.  Focus on what you are good at, and use it to draw out your child's interests.  Remember that building skills in the small things has just as much value as a big, useful project.

Saturday, May 3, 2014


SPRING GENERAL ASSEMBLY - The General Assembly of parents that will be held on Saturday, May 17, beginning at 9:00 a.m. in the Cafeteria. We are required to have a quorum of one-third of our parents present in order for the meeting to be considered legal and for any decisions made at the General Assembly to be binding. We have 325 parents listed as members of the school association, so we need to have at least 108 parents in attendance (although only one parent per family can vote, both parents can be counted for quorum). We need for YOU to attend! Your ideas and your votes are important for the school. The school will provide supervision and activities for children during the General Assembly (from 9:00 - 11:00 a.m.) 
Dr. Jay Ketterer, Discovery School’s new Head of School will be present at the Assembly.

DISCOVERY GOES GREEN- Thank you for all of you who have participated in green activities during April. 
-Congratulations to the 2nd grade classes for bringing the most material for the Recycling Drive.  They will celebrate with the environmental science students by having a "earthly" snack on Tuesday. 
-Also, a large thank you goes out to all the families that sponsored plants for the Greening Our Campus activity.  The students had lots of fun getting dirty, using their "green thumbs" to plant their bushes.  We planted 65 bushes and more are to come in the next few weeks.  Our campus is definitely looking greener!

DPTO FUN RUN AND CARNIVAL – The DPTO will be hosting their traditional events this Saturday, May 10. The FUN RUN begins at 7:30 a.m. follwed by the traditional breakfast, and the CARNIVAL will take place from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. We hope all our school communtiy will mark theri calendars and support the DPTO by attending and having a great family time!


DISCOVERY ZONE – Our Summer camp is back! Join us and allow your children to have a fun-filled three weeks at the beginning of their summer. Spread the word among family and friends and get special discounts!

CHRONICLES OF DISCOVERY GALA – SURVEY - If you attended the Gala, please complete the following survey to help the school grow and improve: